Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Project Update-Laundry!

WE HAVE A LAUNDRY ROOM (MINUS DOOR)! I am very excited to say that Scott completed the laundry room last night and I was able to do 4 loads of laundry! I LOVE IT! Now, the rest of the house is another story. There will be no pictures tonight because we cannot find the camera card reader (found it!). Everything is so cluttered and disorganized that I don't know how I haven't cracked and gone into labor already! We're working it out though. Again, taking 1 day at a time! I guess Tyler will never remember what the house looked like when he comes home anyway, so I don't know what I'm worried about.

We (I say we, meaning Scott) is in the process of painting the Project Area. We ran into a snag at the moment because the Primer is not cooperating with the rollers or vice versa. We were hoping to get the walls painted and floor trim done in the office and bedroom by Thursday night so we could get carpet installed Friday. Then this weekend we could move some of the furniture into those 2 areas and start getting some of the stuff cleared out of our living area. We'll let you know what actually gets done later this weekend.

Only about 6 more weeks until my due date, and I really hope he stays in there until Thanksgiving! He's being so good in my tummy. I have decided that I have officially passed the cute pregnancy stage into freak mode. But I still love it. I'm still out working, I am on driving distance restrictions staying within 1 hour from Savannah, but otherwise everything is going well.

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