Monday, November 20, 2006


Scott got through a one week administrative training last week in Greenville, SC. He was gone from Sunday night to Friday night. I didn't get to talk to him much so I think the days were jammed packed and his nights were spent getting to know others that work at his company. It's pretty nice to get to go to these meetings because most of the time you are out in the field by yourself.

I officially got my flight itinerary for my training in New York today. I should receive my training packet in the mail tomorrow. I can't believe my unemployment is coming to an end. Today I spent the day doing the usual: laundry, cleaning, email, ofoto projects, bills, lunch time stroll around neighborhood. I even said out loud, "I hope I see a porpoise today." And sure enough I saw one. Sorry no picture. But you can imagine seeing one pop it's back fin out of the water as it strolls through the little inlet. I am still amazed how they swim around these waters here in Savannah. It is pretty amazing. I'll try to take more pictures!

More later,

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