Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The "Prom" picture...Scott gets one too (you know the picture that my mom always took of me and my date on the way to a dance in front of the tree in the front yard?)! Anyways, we are on the way to the reunion reception.

Can you find me?

The girl gang! (Me, Jill, Rachel, Paula, Stacy, and Kelly)

So, I survived my High School reunion this week. It felt like the first day of school all over again. It was great to see everyone...everyone that showed up anyway. I would say about 25% of the class showed up. Friday night we had a family night picnic. I think the kids out numbered the adults! It was cool to see everyone's kids and matching them up to each other. It was tough to have any meaningful conversations though because everyone was chasing around their kids. Saturday morning was the golf outing. Scott and I went and had a blast. Only 5 other guys showed up. Our team won the best shot competition with a 3 under par. I even scored a birdie all by myself on a par 3. Then we all (all 7 of us) went out for lunch. Saturday night we had a reception, which included a small slide show of pictures and memorable songs...oh and Superman showed up, Brandon Routh (B.J. to us). Yes, he graduated with us and is my cousin Jimmy's good friend. Scott said he really enjoyed seeing a blast from my past. Unfortunately I didn't get very many pictures, but everyone is compiling all the pictures together so everyone can view them. I'm glad I went and hopefully we will talk the people that didn't come into coming in 2018.

Grandma and Great Grandma babysat Tyler all day on Saturday! The day before Tyler pulled Max's (older dog) hair and got nipped at which was very scary, but Tyler's fair skin makes everything look worse than it is. Thank God nothing bad came out of it, other than a scared baby and a few red marks!

We spent Sunday at my Aunt Carla's and Chuck's farm house, pulling up it looked as though a tornado went through with trees and branches thrown all over the yard. They had a storm last weekend that destroyed their trees once again. Carla gave me a tour of the garden and we pulled out a yellow squash the size of my calf and a zuccini squash the size of my forarm. We grilled them for was yummy. It definitely motivates me to start trying a garden of our own. I would really love it, but can I do it????? Everything seems to grow really fast and intense here in Savannah so it can't be that hard...can it? We'll see...updates later!

On the way home from the farm there were some intense storms rolling through Des Moines. At one point I made Scott turn the car around and go the other way. We ended up going completely around the storm and only had sprinkles on our windsheild, which was pretty amazing.

We made it back safely to Savannah, but not before we took these photo's of Tyler with his Grandma and Grandad. We'll miss you!

Bye Grandma and Grandad!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tyler meets the Dogs

I don't know what I was so afraid of...Bert is a little hyper but both him and Max LOVE Tyler and Tyler gets SO EXCIITED when they are around. Tyler LOVES them! Here are some pictures to prove it!
Yesterday Grandma took us to Target and bought us a new diaper bag and a new Baby Einstein. A Day on the Farm! We will test it out today! Here is Tyler in the car seat that my Grandma's freind Helen lent us for the week inside her car with her license MABURT. My Grandma's friend also lent us the really cool old fashioned high chair too. I love it!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Back from Iraq

Welcome Home Greg and Jeff!
We hosted a party yesterday for two friends that are back from a 15 month deployment in Iraq. Greg and Jeff and their wives Elisa and Bethany are in our small group and each week we all prayed for their safe return. We are so thankful they are back and our small group is whole again! We spent the day enjoying the water, kayaking, water skiing, wake boarding, kayak skiing, and grilling out. It was a gorgeous day and not too hot with some overcast sky's. Tyler did great hanging out on the dock playing with toys and drinking water. It was really a great day!

Two guys (Kenny and Derek) chilling in the kayak's banked up on the sand bar.
Tyler hanging out with everyone on the dock in his new hat with a strap.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Yesterday was the first time Tyler sat up all by his crib. He was supposed to be napping. This picture was taken this morning when I caught him NOT napping! It is still yet another milestone in his 7.5 month old life!

Still no teeth yet and not crawling forward. He's quite the scooter though! He scoots in a circle and backwards. Very soon....Tyler "Scoot" will be off.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

July 4th Weekend

We had a great weekend here at the End St resort for the 4th of July weekend AND finals of Wimbledon tennis tournament. Tyler has to be sick of hearing a tennis match in the background all day long for 2 weeks straight. Breakfast at Wimbledon finally ended around 5pm on Sunday with the Nadal upset over Federer who was trying for his 6th straight. I was a little sad but truly exhausted from the 8 hour marathon of watching tennis.

We spent the weekend on the water and walking back and forth from all of our awesome neighbors. We really have a great street and everyone is so nice and funny and entertaining. We got to watch 8 different firework displays across the river plus 5 of our neighbors mini firework displays right off of our dock! It was truly amazing and I can just imagine years to come will get even better.
Sorry we didn't do very well capturing pictures, I claimed all weekend that I was on vacation and what a refresher it was! Here are a few that I snapped though, random ones of Tyler and Daddy spending time together.

Oh and last week Scott caught his first true fishing pool catch off the dock.

And here are Tyler's newest toys from Wal-mart and his $1 Dale Jr jumper onsie.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

6 Months Photo (May 25th, 2008)

Jenny took these bathtime shots. This was the winner. I have some ordered and will send some to family and any other friends that email me their address. (as long as I have some left!)

Isn't he a cutie???? I know, I know, but I can't help myself. I am so lucky I get to stare at him all day long! I just can't get enough!